A survey app you could try

2 min readSep 17, 2023


Today I’m gonna tell you guys about a survey app that I recently discovered.

Photo by Celpax on Unsplash

Just like other survey apps you guys should give this app a try too.

The name of this survey app is Mobrog or Opinion hero.

As soon as you sign up, you’ll get to see a lot of surveys that you could participate in. One good thing about this app is that it also sends you a notification whenever a new survey is available.

You also get an email whenever a new survey is available.

While you might not become rich overnight with this app. It’s good to earn a few extra bucks I’m your free time if you’re not productively using it.

Best way to earn with surveys

The best way to earn with surveys is by signing up to different survey apps and trying to complete them as soon as they’re available as you might not wanna get disappointed when you finish the survey half-way through and it disqualifies you.

Be honest with your answers to filter out those surveys.

Make sure you have a PayPal account if you wanna get paid also keep in mind to sign up to these survey sites or apps with the same email id associated with your PayPal account as most of these survey sites mention that you have to use your PayPal email while registering.

The other payment option of Mobrog or Opinion hero is through Skrill. You need to make sure that the Skrill account is linked to the country where you registered it.

I hope you found this article helpful. I would be writing more on earning ways, apps, sites and ai so please consider following me if any of these topics interest you.

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Just checking out different sites and ways and I'll be writing about my experience with them and hope that it helps someone.